Opening Ceremonies: President Jodie Cushing called the meeting to order and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sergeant at Arms: Carl Lusby
Zoom – Michael Houslen
Thank you to all who helped set the room up and take it down. We appreciate it!
Guests- John Califano, Carol and Louman Finney
Birthdays: Rachel Bousquet 9/16, potential new member Carol Finny
Door Prizes: The lucky winners were: Tom Testa, Fred Beyer, Kent Wiseman, Marian Wells.
50/50: $12 to Pam Cushing
Happy Dollars: 1st Quarter Happy Dollars will go towards: Polio Plus
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Carl Lusby, Marc Rich, Tricia Quirk ,David Wells and JoAnn Rodick.
Polio Cups: Reminder to donate to Polio! For every $1 donated, 7 children are vaccinated.
Autumn Gold Pancake Breakfast: Tickets were given out tonight, 5 per member. If you need more, ask Kelley Brown. Bring any ticket money collected to the meeting and leave
with the Sgt. at Arms. There is a sign-up sheet for volunteering at the breakfast on the back table. Saturday, September 28th from 7am-10am at EEMS. ALL HELP IS NEEDED. Please sign up and questions to Kelly Brown. Tickets are available! Then after the breakfast, the chamber needs help if you are able to, please contact PJ at the Chamber!
Membership Night: Membership Night is Tuesday, October 8, 5:30-7pm at China Hill! Invite’s are available for you to give to prospective members. Please have guests RSVP to you directly and then please RSVP your guest’s information to JoAnn at Please list their name, phone number, and email address. Members have a chance to win a &50 gift card to Chipper’s if you bring a potential new member. In addition to offering an appetizer table which includes coconut shrimp, crab rangoon, beef & chicken teriyaki, fresh vegetable rolls, cheese & crackers, and fresh cut vegetables & dip; we plan to offer cupcakes & punch and we will be giving away several gift baskets to your
guests to thank them for attending.
PBJ Drive: Bangor Savings Bank is once again conducting their Peanut Butter and Jelly drive. You can drop items off at the Club meetings or at the Bank.
Loaves & Fishes Fill the Grand Act III: Friday September 13th, Loaves & Fishes will hold Fill the Grand Act III. $25 donation to fill a seat. Proceeds go to the pantry. The area Rotary Clubs, (Ellsworth, MDI, Noontime) are a sponsor thanks to AG Tracy Shaffer.
Rockland Rotary’s 100th Celebration: The event will be held at the Samoset Resort on October 23rd. If you are interested in going contact Jodie and she will provide you with the
Guest Speaker: The guest speaker for this week was Tom Testa. Tom is the President of the Downeast Rail Heritage Trust, parent organization for the Downeast Scenic Railroad. Tom spoke about the history of the railroads here in Maine. One amazing fact was that the line from Brewer to Ellsworth was surveyed, laid out and built in a year by hand with no heavy equipment. Compared to the 395 extension that has been going on for 10 years.
Next week, Corey Bagley from Wreath for Woodbine will be our speaker.
Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Clyde Cushing