Opening Ceremonies: President Gene Pellerano called the meeting to order.

Invocation was read by Rebecca Greenlaw and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sergeant at Arms: Tony and Julie Bouchard / Bob and Mary Thomas
Guests:  Grace Robinson
Visiting Rotarians: Dave and Betty Parsons
Club Anniversaries:  Jim Vickers 22 Years
Wedding Anniversaries: Laura and Gene Pellerano 42 Years June 29th
Birthdays: Laura Pellerano June 28th
Door Prizes: The lucky winners were Rhonda Parker, Rebecca Greenlaw, Fred Beyer, Lori Googins and Marian Wells.
50/50: $11 to Debbie Ehrlenbach
4th Quarter Happy Dollars: This quarter all happy dollars will go towards Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry.
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Debbie Ehrlenbach, Laura Pellerano, Carl Lusby, Lori Googins, Ray Williams, Dave Wells, Jack Frost, Carol Yancey, Grace Robinson, Rebecca Greenlaw, Carol Jordan, Fred Beyer, Rhonda Parker and Gene Pellerano.
Rotary Business:
Membership Dues are due end of June: Reminder Club members voted in favor of raising the annual dues for Fiscal/Rotary year 2022-2023 to $300 for an individual, $350 for family and $450 for corporate membership.  Bills will go out Jun 1, 2022 and dues will be Due June 30, 2022.  If you want to split the dues into two payments the second payment will be due by December 31,2022.
Pay your dues: You can send in a check or pay online using PayPal at:
Rotary Facebook Spotlight: Contact JoAnn Brown to sign up for the Rotary Spotlight on our Social Media pages. You send her a picture of yourself with information on why you join Rotary and it will be posted online.
Greeters: Please sign up to be a greeter at our weekly meetings. The help is needed.
Upcoming Service Projects:
Ellsworth Uptown Market: July 9th and 10th - Our club will have a table to sell crafts, antiques and yard sale items. Please donate and help! This event is held at the TJ Maxx Parking Lot in Ellsworth.  Items we don’t sell we will donate to Goodwill.
Bar Harbor Rotary Club:  The club has asked for help for their annual 4th of July Pancake Breakfast starting at 530am to 10:30 am. They can also use help for their lunch immediately following.
Make-Ups and Community Service Hours: Please let Jodie Cushing and Marian Wells know if you do any community service or makeups throughout the week.
Blood Drive: The Blood Drive is the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Max Dietshe thanks everyone for their continued help. Click on the link below to sign up.
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry: The pantry is looking for volunteers to help out at the Pantry. Please call them to sign up to help.
Transition Ceremony: Gene Pellerano thanked all club members for a great year! He thanked the Board of Directors for their service and leadership.
Gene then installed Clyde Cushing as President for our 2022-2023 Rotary year. Clyde thanked Gene for all his hard work and leadership. He presented Gene the President’s Plaque.
Clyde introduced and installed the new slate of officers and directors for the year:
Debbie Ehrlenbach – President Elect
Jodie Cushing – Vice President
Marian Wells – Secretary
Rhonda Parker – Treasurer
Rebecca Greenlaw – Club Service Director
Max Dietshe – Community Service Director
Dave Wells – International Director
Tracy Shaffer – Vocational and Youth Services Director
JoAnn Brown – Membership Director,
Lincoln Ehrlenbach – Foundation Chair
Cindy Shoppe – Community Support Chair
Ashley Johnson – Publicity and Public Relations Chair
Bob and Mary Thomas – Sergeants at Arms
The Rotary International theme for the new year is “Imagine”
Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Ashley Johnson