Opening Ceremonies: President Debbie Ehrlenbach called the meeting to order.
Invocation was read by Max Dietshe and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sergeant at Arms: Lincoln Ehrlenbach and Jo Cooper
Guests: Brielle Johnson, Kim Fitch, Matt Williams, John Shoppe, Grace Robinson and Eli Robinson
Visiting Rotarians: Dave and Betty Parsons of Portland
Birthdays: Jodie Cushing 8/1
Wedding Anniversaries: Michael and Misty Houslen 6 year, JoAnn and Clarence Rodick 1 year, Rachel Bousquet 15 Years.
Rotary Anniversaries: Max Dietshe 3 Years
Blueberry Pancake Breakfast tickets were given to each club member to sell, buy or donate along with posters to hang up around the community. Please sign up to help on the day of the event. Rotary Shirts and Hats are available on sale. See Dave Wells. Shirts are $13 and Hats are $12. Lincoln is looing for propane tanks to use for the grills.
Silverware Wrapping Party – Tuesday, August 1st at 6:00pm at China Hill. 1,000 pieces to wrap for the pancake breakfast. Please attend to help.
Partner Program- To date we have collected $7,950.00! List of the 25 donors are printed on the bulletin board.
Frenchman’s Bay Conservancy Monday Music at Tidal Falls in Hancock – August 7th. Sign up and come help park cars and clean-up. Food Trucks are available or you can bring your own meal. Bring a chair and come listen to the great music!
Fellowship Gathering at Ehrlenbach’s Camp in Hancock – Friday August 11th 5:30pm – 7:00pm on the Ferry Road. Please RSVP.
District Governor Visit – We will be having a multi-club visit with Bar Harbor and the Noontime Club on Thursday August 24th from 5:30 - 7:00 pm at the Beacon Restaurant in Trenton. We have a private room with a bar upstairs in the restaurant. The cost is $20 which includes a tip and a $2 donation to polio in honor of our Governor. Cheese and crackers, hot and cold appetizers and hors d'oeuvres will be served. A cash bar will be available. Sign-up sheet at the weekly club meeting. Anyone planning on going must prepay by August 1st. Space is limited.
August Meeting Schedule
August 7th Monday – Frenchman Bay Conservancy – Tidal Falls Rd Hancock - Park Cars – Free concert Fellowship Night bring your family
August 8th Tuesday – NO MEETING
August 15th Tuesday – At Harbor Park 413 Water Street Ellsworth – Speakers Friends of Union River & Harbor Master– Eat at the taco stand or bring your own dinner
August 22nd Tuesday – NO MEETING
August 24th – Thursday – Governor Visit Beacon Restaurant – Trenton
August 29th Tuesday – China Hill – Speaker Matt Williams Ellsworth City Planner
Paul Harris Recognition: Congratulations to Marian Wells for receiving her Paul Harris +8 Pin!

Door Prizes: The lucky winners were: Cindy Shoppe, Matt Williams, Julie Clark
$50/50: $15 to Carl Lusby
Happy Dollars: 1st Quarter Happy Dollars will go towards: Mental Health and Wellness at Healthy Acadia.
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Carl Lusby, Jack Frost, Marc Rich, Dave Wells, Max Dietshe, Lincoln Ehrlenbach, Gene Pellerano, Jo Cooper, and Debbie Ehrlenbach.
Guest Speaker: This week’s guest speakers were Lily Philbrook and Madeline Henry. They are both Former Rotary Scholarship Recipients.
Madeline Henry is a 2022 graduate of Ellsworth High School. In high school she was active in Music and Performing Arts where she wrote, directed and acted in a play that won top awards at the state level. As a young, child Maddie and her family lived on a sail boat. Maddie and her family were very close to our dearly departed Rotarian Charlene Churchill. She is currently attending Emerson College in Boston.
Lillian (Lily) Philbrook was born and raised in the greater Hancock County Area. She is an Alumni of Ellsworth High School, volunteer at the Grand theater, involved community member and chances are, you have already met or interacted with Lily. Lily has been recognized for several Girl Scouting awards, such as Town of Lamoine Co-citizen of the year 2019-2020 and GS Presidential Award for her time spent bettering lives of local veterans. Over the past 10 Years Lily has arranged and collected gifts for needy children with her local Angel Tree and plans to carry on that tradition for years to come. Lily enjoys being on, and behind the stage, spending time at our local theater, and spending time with her family, friends, and furry friend Sully. Lily currently works at the Oceanarium on MDI had has previously worked at the Grand Theater and the Union River Lobster Pot.
Respectfully submitted by Ashley Johnson