Opening Ceremonies: President Rebecca Greenlaw called the meeting to order and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Rotary Opening Words: Rebecca Greenlaw
Sergeant at Arms: Clyde Cushing
Zoom – Michael Houslen
Thank you to all who helped set the room up and take it down. We appreciate it!
Guests: Alice Grindle along with members Paige, Laura and Rema of the Eagles Nest Clubhouse.
Birthdays and Anniversaries: Each week birthdays and anniversaries wishes will be sent from the club via email with an electronic greeting card. Be on the lookout for yours!
Memorial Day Parade - We have an opportunity to partner with the VFW Post 109 on the Memorial Day Parade. The Board has asked that we survey the members to see how you feel on this. As many of you know, the parade did not happen last year due a number of factors. The VFW is stretched thin and they could use the help.
The Club's involvement would be organizing the parade. That entails inviting groups to participate in the parade, help line up the units the day of the parade, and finally put our own unit in the parade. If we did this, we would not be committed to do every year, unless the Club wanted too. Survey will be emailed to all club members. Please fill out. Any questions, contact Clyde.
Loaves and Fishes – The club received a Thank You letter from Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry thanking us for their donation.
Thank You Card – A Thank You Card is being passed around for club members to sign for Barbara at the Bud Connection for her kindness donations at the Gifting Experience. A gift card will go along with it.
Upcoming Blood Drives – January 24th and 28th: The Red Cross has reached out to our club looking for volunteers for two upcoming blood drives. If you would like to sign up to help, please contact them. The flyers were emailed to all members.
Community Event for Northern Light – February 12th: The Northern Light Hospital Provider Relations Liaison- Home Care & Hospice Susan Chaar sent a community event flyer to us and wanted to share with the membership. It is a “Get Your Life in Order” presentation being held on February 12th at the Moore Center in Ellsworth. The flyer was emailed to all members.
Rotary Craft Fair: April 26th at EEMS from 9am-1pm. Setup will be the day before. More details to come.
Join a Rotary Committee: Rebecca Greenlaw encourages club members to join a committee within the club. Learn more about Rotary and how you can help!
Volunteer Hours: Please let Tricia Quirk know if you have volunteered in the community outside of Rotary.
Door Prizes: Guests Paige and Laura
50/50: $5 to Carl Lusby
Happy Dollars: 3rd Quarter Happy Dollars will go towards: HCTC Skills USA
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Carl Lusby, Jack Frost, Gene Pellerano, Guest Laura and Paige, Alice Grindle and Marian Wells.
Guest Speaker: The guest speaker was Alice Grindle. Alice is the director of theA Eagles' Nest Clubhouse. The Eagles’ Nest Clubhouse is a peer based mental health recovery program designed to empower its members toward individual and shared goals through developing relationships, avoiding isolation, provide opportunities for work, wellness and socialization to become active members of their communities.
Members Paige, Laura and Rema spoke about why they are members of the clubhouse and how it’s helped them. The clubhouse is located at 412 High Street in Ellsworth.
Programs and Activities include:
- Work Order Day
- Peer Support
- Educational Opportunities
- Transitional Employment
- Skill Sharing
- Cooking/Hospitality
- Business/Social Media
Next week at Rotary: HCTC Night at China Hill. Carl Lusby will be hosting HCTC (covering for the Pellerano’s) and Ashley Johnson will be covering for Rebecca Greenlaw.
Polio Cups: Reminder to donate to Polio! For every $1 donated, 7 children are vaccinated.
Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Ashley Johnson