Opening Ceremonies: President Rebecca Greenlaw called the meeting to order and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Rotary Opening Words: Rebecca Greenlaw
Sergeant at Arms: Bob Thomas, Mary Thomas and Saxon Tinto
Zoom – Clyde Cushing
Thank you to all who helped set the room up and take it down. We appreciate it!
Birthdays and Anniversaries: Each week birthdays and anniversaries wishes will be sent from the club via email with an electronic greeting card. Be on the lookout for yours!
Guests- Dr. Heidi Omlor
Rotary Craft Fair: April 26th at EEMS from 9am-1pm. Setup will be the day before. More details to come.
Join a Rotary Committee: Rebecca Greenlaw encourages club members to join a committee within the club. Learn more about Rotary and how you can help!
Volunteer Hours: Please let Tricia Quirk know if you have volunteered in the community outside of Rotary.
50/50: $9 to Mary Beth Harmon
Happy Dollars: 3rd Quarter Happy Dollars will go towards: HCTC Skills USA
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Mary Beth Harmon, Stacie Brown, Jack Frost, Kelly Brown, Fred Beyer, Gene Pellerano, Nancy Mayo, JoAnn Rodick, Clyde Cushing, Lori Googins, Kent Weisner, Carl Lusby
Guest Speaker: This week's guest speaker was Dr. Heidi Omlor.
In 2019, Dr. Omlor began working on making Holocaust and Genocide education mandatory in her home state of Maine; this became official in the fall of 2023 when a law requiring Holocaust and Genocide to be taught in all Maine schools grades 6-12 went into effect.
Dr. Omlor shared a presentation of photos and information about her trip to Armenia. She spoke about the history of the Armenia Genocide from 1915-1922 and her teacher fellowship.
For the past three years, 15 teachers have been chosen to travel to Armenia to learn about the genocide, the country, culture and people. The fellowship is designed to help teachers better teach about the genocide but to also expose them to the beautiful rich culture of the Armenians. The fellowship was 10 days/9 nights in Armenia. Each morning the group started at the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute for lectures and time in the museum.
Next week’s guest speaker: Gene and Laura Pellerano. They will be discussing the Rotary Learning Center.
Polio Cups: Reminder to donate to Polio! For every $1 donated, 7 children are vaccinated.
Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Ashley Johnson