Opening Ceremonies: President Clyde Cushing called the meeting to order.
Invocation was read by: President Clyde Cushing and led us all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sergeant at Arms: Bob and Mary Thomas
Birthdays: January 20 - Rhonda Parker
Club Anniversaries: Ray William - 45 years.
Guests: Amanda Gardner
Door Prizes: The lucky winners were: Jane Langley & Lori Googins.
Find Romey the Rotary Gnome: Jody Cushing won
$50/50: Rebeca Greenlaw - $7 happy to be back at work full time.
Happy Dollars: 2nd Quarter Happy Dollars will go towards Rotary Scholarships
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Laurie Goggins, Gene Pellerano, Carl Lusby, Bob Thomas.
Rotary Blood Drives at the Elks Club: Max Dietshe reported sign-ups for the blood drive are going well for November, so look ahead to the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 11am – 5pm. Sign up with Max Dietshe. Please send all your community service hours to Max!
Cabin Fever Craft/Yard Sale March 25, 2023 at Ellsworth Elementary Middle School. 20 confirmed venders. Set up March 24, 2023 - Contact Jody Cushing.
Rotary 101- Tracy Schaffer will hold a Rotary 101 on February 25, 2023. For new members and existing members. Contact Tracy.
Weekly Greeter and Invocation Sign up Lists: We are still in need for Rotarians to help sign up to be a Greeter or give the Invocation at our weekly meetings. Please help.
Weekly Newsletter Sign-Up Lists: Ashley needs help with the weekly newsletter. Please sign up.
Guest Speaker: This week’s guest speaker was Rebecca Greenlaw introduced Dawn Dewing and Eric St. Pierre. Dawn is the administrator at The Eagles Nest Club House and Eric is a member. The organization is international and provides assistance with mental health recovery.
Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Laura Pellerano