Opening Ceremonies: President Debbie Ehrlenbach called the meeting to order.
Invocation was read by: Kelly Brown and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Setting up Zoom: Michael Houlsen
Thank you to all who helped set the room up and take it down. We appreciate it!
Rotary Fellowship Groups: There are many Rotary Fellowship groups to look up and be a part of. For more information, contact Debbie Ehrlenbach.
Sheriff’s Cup: The Ellsworth YMCA asked if we could help at this year’s Sheriff Cup. The event is March 8,9,10. They would be happy with any help we can provide over the three days. Help is needed with people to run the clock and score board, admission tables, and concessions at both EEMS and EHS while the games take place. This is a great opportunity to help support the program. These are the families that will be impacted the most by our Legacy Project, and the families that we will be asking to support the auction by either donating items or coming to the auction.
Rotary Cabin Fever Craft Fair: Save the date! April 6th at EEMS. As of today we have 40 tables reserved! If you would like to join the committee, please let Jodie know. Will need help the day of the event and the day before to help setup.
75th Club Anniversary Celebration: A committee is being formed to plan this event. Please contact Tricia Quirk to help out.
Legacy Project: Save the date! Our Auction is May 17th. Rotarians Debbie Ehrlenbach, Peter Farragher and Becky Sargent are meeting to start organizing for the event. If anyone would like to join the committee to help, please let Debbie know. E.L. Shea is working on the design plans for the Demeyer Field.
MDI Rotary Club: The MDI Rotary Club is asking for help at their 4th of July Pancake Breakfast. They need help setting up, cookie and cleaning up after the event. There is a sign-up sheet going around.
Paul Harris Recognition: Bob Thomas was awarded a Paul Harris +2 Pin. Congratulations!
Rotary Leadership Institute – Trainings are available! Two Virtual trainings and one in person in Lewiston. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Rotary. The club pays for the training. Please contact Debbie or Gene for more information to sign up.
Rotary Blood Drives are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the Elks Lodge in Ellsworth. Please sign up to help. Shifts are from 11:00am to 2:00pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm.
Bike Rodeo: Scheduled for May 18th at EEMS. More details to come!
Door Prizes: The lucky winners were: Lincoln Ehrlenbach, Lori Googins, Clyde Cushing.
50/50: Clyde Cushing
Happy Dollars: 3rd Quarter Happy Dollars will go towards: Downeast Horizons Special Olympics Program.
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Clyde Cushing, Gene Pellerano, Lincoln Ehrlenbach, Peter Farragher, Kelly Brown, JoAnn Rodick, Kent Weisner, Lori Googins, and Debbie Ehrlenbach.
Polio Cups: Reminder to donate to Polio! For every $1 donated, 7 children are vaccinated.
Guest Speaker: This week’s guest speaker was Deputy Rob Morang. Rob has worked in Law Enforcement since 1996 starting with the Bar Harbor Police Department and has worked for the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office for 19 years.
Rob was promoted to Sergeant recently. He is a DARE Officer and serves as a mentor for the Northern New England DARE Training Team based in New Hampshire. He is also the State of Maine DARE Coordinator.
Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Ashley Johnson