Opening Ceremonies: President Jodie Cushing called the meeting to order and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sergeant at Arms: Clyde Cushing and Tricia Quirk
Zoom – Michael Houslen
Guests- John Califano, Grace Robinson, John Shoppe
Thank you to all who helped set the room up and take it down. We appreciate it!
Birthdays: Larry Johnston and Alan Baker
Wedding Anniversaries: Rachel Bousquet, Michael Povich
Club Anniversaries: Rebecca Greenlaw
Door Prizes: The lucky winners were: Lori Googins, Rebecca Greenlaw, Linda Elliott, Stacie Brown, and Mary Beth Harmon.
50/50: $13 to Carol Jordan
Happy Dollars: 1st Quarter Happy Dollars will go towards: Polio Plus
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Carol Jordan, Cindy Shoppe, Peter Farragher, Stacie Brown, Kelly Brown, Jessie Remick, Mary Thomas, Carl Lusby and Linda Elliott.
Polio Cups: Reminder to donate to Polio! For every $1 donated, 7 children are vaccinated.
Pancake Breakfast Recap and Numbers: Jodie informed everyone that there is a Safety Committee being set up for the breakfast. Estimate 550-575 attendees, Prepaid tickets: $1,970, Event ticket sales: $4,143.80, 50/50: $235, Merchandise: $105, Scholarship (table jars): $325.55, Purple Pinky: $43, Rotary Partner Donations: $6,700 - the biggest being BHBT $2,000, Estimated Expenses: $5,200.
Join a Committee: If you haven’t already, please sign up to join a committee. The next committee meeting is August 27th at UMA in Ellsworth.
75th Anniversary Planning: A committee has been formed and all are welcome to join. The event is scheduled for June 28th, 2025 at the Moore Center.
Volunteer Hours: Please let Tricia Quirk know if you have volunteered in the community outside of Rotary.
Rotary Club Dues: Rotary dues are to be given to Tricia Quirk in person or mailed to the club at PO Box 741 in Ellsworth asap. Paypal is available to pay online!
Rotary Blood Drives are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the Elks Lodge in Ellsworth. Please sign up to help. Shifts are from 11:00am to 2:00pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm.
RYLA – This September. Looking for candidates to attend ages 18-35. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where you develop your skills as a leader while having fun and making connections. An email was sent out to all members with more info.
Guest Speaker: Guest Speakers Ebony Dowling and Tina Vanadestin spoke about the Backpacks for Kids program which is part of the Ellsworth General Assistance program. Check out the flyer for their upcoming fundraiser!

Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Ashley Johnson