On Tuesday, April 7th at 6 PM, our club had our second virtual meeting over the telephone and internet via Zoom. 
Invocation was sent in by Rob Hemenway and read for Jo Cooper. “The world isn't always fair; time has a keen way of showing us that. But please don't let that simple truth dull your sparkle. You were created to thrive in the face of inequity. That is the only answer to unfairness. Thrive - just thrive!” - Cyndie Spiegel - A Year of Positive Thinking. 
The pledge was led by Carl Lusby, Ashley Johnson took notes and Tony and Julie Bouchard took attendance.
Birthdays and Anniversaries: Clyde Cushing shared Birthdays and Anniversaries: Linder Full has a birthday on April 11th. Happy Birthday! Jo Cooper has a Club Anniversary on April 8th for 6 Years.
Visiting Rotarians: Dan Hurley! It was great to see Dan!
Checking In/Happy Dollars: Jo Cooper started the meeting by asking each person to give a recap of how they were doing.  We heard from Iris Simon, Rod Fox, Jane Langely, Fred Beyer, Alicia Johnson, Tracy Shaffer, Gene Pellerano, Scott Kimball, Laura Pellerano, Marian Wells, Dave Wells, Dan Hurley, Julie Bouchard, Tony Bouchard, Clyde Cushing, Debbie Ehrlenbach, Lincoln Ehrlenbach, Carl Lusby, Dan Frye, Jodie Cushing, Allegra Pellerano, Ashley Johnson and Jo Cooper. Happy Dollars goes towards Everybody Eats this quarter.  
Rotary Business:
  1. Rotary Auction Update: Laura Pellerano reminded everyone that the Auction is now September 18th. Thinking ahead we probably should prepare that businesses will be struggling over the next few months. Fundraising is up in the air at this time. We will need to think outside the box. Laura Pellerano and Debbie Ehrlenbach will work together on keeping a close eye on the financials over the next few months.
  2. PETS Training: Laura and Gene Pellerano and Clyde Cushing reported that they continue to be part of the virtual President-Elect (PETS) Training that the District is running via Zoom.
  3. Clyde Cushing will be sending out an email to everyone asking you to update your contact information in Club Runner. If you did not set-up your Club Runner  or can't remember how to get into Club Runner you can email me the following information and I will put it in Club Runner for you: Current email address ( that you check regularly) Phone Number (Cellphone, Home Phone given our current state)Your mailing address ( that you get mail to during this current state)Business email,Business phone
  4. Dave Wells will help with contacting club members we have not heard from over the last couple weeks. Lincoln Ehrlenbach stated he has been in touch with Marshall and Teri Smith. They are doing well. Rod Fox has been in touch with Larry Fernald. He is doing fine.
  5. For club members who aren’t comfortable using Zoom Video, Ashley will make sure to have a phone number available to call in for the meeting next week if that helps. This will be emailed. 
  6. Jo Cooper stated we will try to have a guest speaker in the future for our Zoom meetings.
  7. Tracy shared a Rotary Moment.
Have a great Rotary Week! Please reach out and contact any fellow Rotarian to stay in touch!
The meeting ended at 6:57pm
Respectfully submitted by Ashley Johnson