It is easier than ever to make Rotary part of your life!
The Rotary Experience
Since 1905, Rotary clubs have been part of the fabric of local communities around the world with the intent to improve the lives of others through club fellowship. Our Rotary Club of Ellsworth has been serving the greater Ellsworth area since 1950. We have a varied membership of over 70 individuals representing a cross section of citizens, organizations and businesses that work together to make a difference in our community.
Rotary’s motto is “service above self” and if you join our Rotary club, you will team with others to learn about important matters in our community, perform service projects with others and give back. We also have a lot of fun – whether we’re socializing, visiting over dinner each week, or working together on service projects.
Club members meet weekly at China Hill in Ellsworth with the meeting portion of the evening beginning at 6 PM. People often come at 5:30 PM to order an optional dinner. And, while we encourage fellowship by participating in our events, projects and meetings, we are flexible regarding attendance and participation. Members contribute according to their interests and their schedules. “We want you to do Rotary your way.”
Rotarians in Action
We complete over 3,000 hours of volunteer service each year including working at our annual auction and blueberry pancake breakfast that helps us engage the community and raise needed funds for non-profit grants and for high school student scholarships. In addition to these two events, here are some photos of some of our other projects:
Rotary Wheelchair Project located in Dominican Republic in 2018
Annual Food Drive for the local food pantry, Loaves and Fishes.
Annaul EEMS Bike Rodeo. Our club donates bike helmets for local children.
Grant Project for Special Children Friends.
Annual Indian Point Clean-up in Ellsworth.
Membership Options
We offer individual memberships with dues running under $1.00 per day as well as cost effective multiple member corporate/organizational memberships and family memberships. If you are interested in these options, please ask our membership chair.
Learn More!
The best way to learn more about Rotary is to come to a meeting. To arrange a visit, please contact our membership chairperson JoAnn Brown at 207-951-5669 or joann.brown@emhs.org.
When you visit our Rotary club, you will receive a complimentary meal and will be introduced as a guest during our meeting. As you learn more about us, our membership chairperson can help you with application paperwork which is brief and easy to complete. We are a non-religious, non-political fellowship and service organization that does vote in new membership according to Rotary International guidelines. We ask that all interested applicants be 18 years of age, of good reputation and that one comes to several meetings as well as participates in a service activity during the application process so that the applicant can best learn about the organization.
We hope to see you soon at our Rotary meeting!
Click to the left under "FILES" to view more membership info.
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Download the website sponsorship guide
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