Opening Ceremonies:  President Debbie Ehrlenbach called the meeting to order.
Greeter: Tricia Quirk
Invocation was read by:  Debbie Ehrlenbach and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sergeant at Arms:  Lincoln Ehrlenbach and Julie Clark
Setting up Zoom: Clyde Cushing
Guests:  Brielle Johnson, Laurie Fogelman, John Shoppe, Grace Robinson
Visiting Rotarians: Dave and Betty Parsons of Portland.
Wedding Anniversaries: Jo and Don Cooper
Next Step 30th Anniversary Project at The Great Maine Lumberjack Show – October 8th. Our club will be cooking hamburgers and hotdogs. The event is from 9:00am -2:00pm
2023 Peanut Butter & Jelly drive, which runs the month of September, sponsored by Bangor Savings Bank. The bank will match every jar of PB&J that the club collects, and the food will be delivered to local organizations and schools to help alleviate food insecurity.
Autumn Gold Pancake Breakfast. Tickets are available to sell or buy. Volunteers are needed and there is a signup sheet is going around.  See Lincoln for tickets. The event is Saturday, September 30th from 7:00am-10:00am at EEMS in Ellsworth.
Rotary Blood Drives are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at the Elks Lodge in Ellsworth. Please sign up to help. Shifts are from 11:00am to 2:00pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm.
Polio Walk: Tricia Quirk and Lincoln Ehrlenbach are leading the charge on this year’s Walk for Polio, which will be held on October 21st. We are meeting at Knowlton park at 9:30am for pictures and donuts/coffee. The Walk will start at 10:00am.
There will be a pizza party after the walk at Fogtown Brewing. A sign-up sheet is available and members can contact Tricia to get a T-shirt prior.
2023-24 Rotary Passport- This was emailed to all members. Please check it out!
The Nominating Committee met last week to discuss future possible officers for Secretary, Vice President and President Elect. Any Rotarians who are interested in holding any of the officer positions, please let Debbie Ehrlenbach know.
October 3rd Meeting will be held at Fogtown Brewery located at 25 Pine Street in Ellsworth. Everyone meets at 5:30pm at Atlantic Art Glass for a tour then we will have pizza and drinks at Fogtown Brewery. After dinner we will have a tour of the brewery. For those who would like to have pizza: Please contact Fogtown by September 29th to place your order. Below is the menu: Their phone number is 207-370-0845.
Door Prizes: The lucky winners were: Shelly Van Camp, Jo Cooper, Grace Robinson, Jodie Cushing, Tony Bouchard and Ray Williams.
$50/50: $15 to Fred Beyer, who generously donated back to our fundraising this quarter for Healthy Acadia.
Happy Dollars: 1st Quarter Happy Dollars will go towards: Mental Health and Wellness at Healthy Acadia.
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Fred Beyer, Lori Googins, Laurie Fogelman, Jo Cooper, Carl Lusby, Mark Remick, Robert Thomas, Gene Pellerano, Marian Wells, Dave Wells, Dave Parsons, Clyde Cushing, Jodie Cushing, Debbie Ehrlenbach and JoAnn Rodick.  
Guest Speaker:  This week’s guest speaker was Nick Turner, Executive Director of The Grand since 2017. The past six years has had it’s us and downs including a pandemic. Nick shared with club members about a book he found called Mr. Fooster Traveling on Whim by Tom Corwin and Illustrated by Craig Frazier.
Short description of the book: Mr. Fooster seems like your average fellow, albeit one who travels with an old bottle of bubble soap. One Tuesday morning, however, he takes us into a rich and vivid world unlike any we've seen before—a world where questioning your assumptions can set you free. Heading out the door with no particular place to go, Mr. Fooster is led by his boundless curiosity to reflect on questions like why is it you never see baby pigeons, and who figured out how to eat artichokes? Mr. Fooster shows us that pondering the little things in life can be a reward unto itself.

The pairing of Tom Corwin's lyrical prose and Craig Frazier's enchanting illustrations create a world where believing is seeing.
This is one of Nick’s favorites books. He read the first chapter to members and loved how the book has a lot of “meandering and pondering” which leads to a lot of ideas and impulses that can be created at The Grand. “Whim’s do lead to great things or sometimes a dead end. Acting is made up of “what ifs and impulses”
Debbie Ehrlenbach presented a check to Nick Turner in the amount of $500.00 towards The Grand’s handicap lift that will be used for individuals to have access to the stage while performing. The lift was delivered to The Grand just in time during the Summer Grand Theatre Camp. A local boy was happy to be able to use it!
Respectfully submitted by Ashley Johnson