Opening Ceremonies:  President Clyde Cushing called the meeting to order.
Invocation was read by Clyde Cushing and we all said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sergeant at Arms:  Robert and Mary Thomas
Birthdays: Benedetta Pellerano 6/27, Laura Pellerano 7/1
Wedding Anniversaries: Linda and Jeff Fuller 25 Years
Club Anniversaries: Larry Fernald 48 Years, Rob Hemenway 9 Years
Guests:  John Shoppe
Door Prizes: The lucky winners were: Marian Wells, Clyde Cushing, John Shoppe, Carol Yancey and Cindy Shoppe.
$50/50: $11 to Rebecca Greenlaw
Happy Dollars: Fourth Quarter Happy Dollars will go towards Polio Plus.
The following individuals gave Happy Dollars: Rebecca Greenlaw, Fred Beyer, Carl Lusby, Lori Googins, Grace Robinson, Dave Wells, Gene Pellerano, Tracy Shaffer, Clyde Cushing.
2022-2023 Year End Review: Clyde Cushing recognized all club members who served on the Board over the past year and thanked them for their service. Each board member did a summary of highlights. Everyone was given a certificate of appreciation. Clyde also recognized other club members for their leadership and service on club events. 
Clyde presented a slideshow of photos and accomplishments of the year. Cookies and cupcakes were provided.
In observance of Independence Day, our club will not be meeting on Tuesday, July 4th. We hope to see you at our next meeting on Tuesday, July 11th at 6pm at China Hill.
Respectfully submitted by Rotarian Ashley Johnson