Opening Ceremonies: President Scott Kimball called the meeting to order.  Invocation by Carl Lusby and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Greeter: Gene Pellerano
Make-ups: Lincoln and Deb Ehrlenbach
Visiting Rotarians: Robert and Gerri Hall, Annette Higgins
Birthdays: Nancy Mayo
Wedding Anniversaries: Jo Cooper
Door Prizes: Calendar – Gerri Hall, T-Shirt Julie Bouchard, Throw Blanket Robert Hall
Rotary Minute: Jo Cooper gave a compliment to Larry Fernald on the art of Batter Mixing
50/50: Pam Cushing $16.00 donated back for Finn
Happy Dollars Highlights: Gene Pellerano, Suellen Speed, Jane Langley, Charlene Churchuill, Andrea Mason, Carl Lusby, Gerri Hall, Robert Hall, Dan Hurley, Dom Efter, Marshall Smith, Bill Casale, Scott Kimball and Bruce Fischer all gave Happy Dollars this week.
Rotary Business:  
  1. Purple Pinkie Project coming up on October 21st at Pat's Pizza. We are looking for help for 2-hour shifts Please contact Carl Lusby to sign-up.
  2. Rotary Blood Drive  on October 24th at the Ellsworth YMCA. We are looking for Volunteers as well. Please contact Clyde Cushing to sign-up.
Club Social: Members enjoyed a Cookout with a Pub Style Trivia with Rotarian Jane Langley – Team #1 was #1. The Prize was Glasses from the Union River Lobster Pot.
Respectfully submitted by Dom Efter