Opening Ceremonies: President Tracy Shaffer called the meeting to order.  Invocation by Ray Williams and we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Greeter: Jo Cooper
Sargent at Arms: Julie and Tony Bouchard
Visiting Rotarians: Marylee Bates from Fairbanks, Alaska
Guests: Joe Stockadge and Rachel Bousquet
Club Anniversaries: Marshall Smith
Wedding Anniversaries: Dom Efter and Arlyn Whitelaw
Door Prizes: JoAnn Brown, Eugene Pellerano, Charlene Churchill, Dom Efter
50/50: $13.00 to Jo Cooper
Happy Dollars Highlights: All Happy Dollars this quarter will go towards the Ellsworth Free Medical Clinic. The following Rotarians gave happy dollars: Marshall Smith, Jo Cooper, Tricia Quirk, JoAnn Brown, Clyde Cushing, Allegra Pellerano, Carl Lusby, Larry Fernald, Bill Casale, Dom Efter, Charlene Churchill, Marc Rich and Tracy Shaffer.
Rotary Business:  
  • Visiting Rotarian Marylee Bates from Fairbanks, Alaska exchanged club banners with Club President Tracy Shaffer.
  • On Tuesday October 9th Members will vote on the Club Proposal to Offer Corporate Membership. If you cannot attend the meeting, please send an email vote to Tracy Shaffer.
  • Ashley Johnson passed around the sign up sheet to help with the weekly newsletter
  • Clyde Cushing passed around sign up sheets for The Rotary Blood Drive and the Purple Pinkie Project. 
  • President Elect Jo Cooper is asking members to contact her about next year's Auction Partner. If there is a non-profit you think should be chosen, please let her know.  
Club Assembly:
Secretary’s Report:
This quarter’s report is somewhat different to try to be more interesting and because of changes in reporting in the Clubrunner software.
We currently have 61 active members and 4 honorary members.
Since July 1 we have inducted two new Rotarians, had one former member re-join us, and had one club member (Bruce Fischer) transfer to another club due to moving. Net gain of two members so far this year!
Our attendance at meetings this quarter has been very good: all except one meeting over 50% without make-ups. Last week’s meeting was 64.91% without makeups!
New feature allows us to track speaker or other description with meeting attendance information.
 Community Support Report:
Committee: Cindy Shoppe, Nancy Mayo, Alison King, Julie Clark, Ashley
Johnson, Marc Rich, Dana Reiter, Ray Williams, Jo Cooper, Jackie Clough &
Tracy Shaffer
Community Support Summary:
Yearly Approved Budget: $9,000.00
Bucksport Y Bike Helmets -225.00
Girl Scout Silver Award Project -300.00
Ellsworth City Library/Maine Discovery Museum Pass -250.00
Future Meetings: First Tuesday of every month starting at 5:15
Club Service Report:
An updated Guest Speakers calendar was passed around. If you have ideas for future speakers please contact Jane Langley.
Foundation Report:
  1. We have received directly or through online submissions EREY donations of $3,931 to date. This puts us at 56% of our goal for the fiscal year to date.
  1. There is an expectation of an additional $4,500 in the pipeline from PHS members to be credited to the EREY Annual Fund throughout the rest of the fiscal year.
  1. As of September 30, 2018, 33 Club Members had made an EREY donation for the fiscal year; 22 of whom are Sustaining Members ($100 or more).  
  1. Approximately 56% of the Club’s current Active Members have participated in EREY for the fiscal YTD. Our participation goal is to exceed the 66% participation shown by our Club last fiscal year. Given our current active membership roster, this will mean EREY participation by at least 39 members. This is a “stretch” goal, as last year’s participation already reflected a 57% increase over the previous year.    
  1. Ellsworth Club’s per capita contribution to the Annual Fund for 2018/2019 is currently $64, as compared to the District’s per capita of $14.  
  1. Ellsworth Rotary Club is 3rd in a district of 49 clubs for EREY giving for this fiscal YTD; trailing behind Alma Club, QC, which has contributed $5,889, and West Bay, Camden, which has contributed $5,796.
  1. To date, seven Club Members have signed up to be Paul Harris Society (PHS) Members. PHS Members donate $1000 to the Foundation each year.
  1. The first $25 gift card quarterly drawing for this fiscal year will be held at tonight’s Club meeting. Every Rotarian in our Club who has made a contribution of any size to towards EREY during the 1st quarter of the fiscal year as of September 30, 2018 has been entered to win (except Dom and Arlyn, who sponsor the prize).
Vocational Report:
Members - Debra Ehrlenbach, Fred Beyer, Peter Farragher, Heidi Omlor, Gene Pellarano Members Present: Debra Ehrlenbach, Gene Pellarano, Peter
Vocational Minute – Fred Beyer has circulated the schedule for Rotarians to volunteer to speak briefly at Club meetings.
Literacy Program – Gene updated the committee on progress with the program. Gene continues to meet with Tracy Schaffer and Peter Farragher with the next meeting scheduled for October 11th. They will continue to define a consistent program schedule for Rotarians to volunteer to read to children at the YMCA and or Ellsworth City Library.
Interact Club – Tracy Shaffer attended the Ellsworth High School meeting in September. Some students have signed up to join Interact. Committee members discuss having collateral items available for the Interact student such as pins, shirts, etc. The event Thursday, September 6th where students are introduced to clubs offered at the High School went well.
Next Meeting – scheduled for October 30, 2018 4:30 pm China Hill
Community Service Report:
This year we have participated in seven projects so far. Upcoming projects are The Rotary Blood Drive on Tuesday, October 23rd from Noon – 6pm at the Ellsworth YMCA, The Purple Pinkie Project on Saturday, October 27th from 11am – 5pm at Pat’s Pizza in Ellsworth.
Membership Report:
Tricia Quirk has been inducted and Charlene is her mentor. The mentor for Jodie Cushing has changed to Tracy.
Rotary attendance at the Chamber-After-Dark trade show at the Ramada on November 8th from 3 to 7pm was approved by the BOD on Sept. 18, 2018.
We will have our club flyers available and posters of our community service recipients, but we need confirmation of people to attend.
Membership Night is scheduled for October 30, and we have six confirmed names with contact information.
Next meeting is October 11, 2018, 7:30am at Martha’s Diner
Carl Lusby gave an excellent presentation of "The Rotary Basics"
Respectfully submitted by Ashley Johnson