Opening Ceremonies: President Carl Lusby called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Marshall Smith and we said the Pledge of Allegiance. The greeter was Peter Farragher.
Visiting Rotarians: None

Guests:  Peter Collier, Cindy Fox, and Roy Sterling.
Club Anniversaries: Terri Stephens Smith – February 9, 2016.
Birthdays: Andrea Mason – February 14, Pam Cushing – February 17, and Micki Sumpter – February 20.
Wedding Anniversaries: None.
Rotary Minute: Carl Lusby spoke about a recent email from the Sept Iles club that challenged other clubs in the District to match or beat their attendance percentage at the District conference in May. So far their club has 62% of its members committed to attending the conference.
Door Prizes: Arlyn Whitelaw, Dan Hurley, Rod and Cindy Fox, and Jo Cooper all went home with prizes.

50/50: $ 16 was won by Larry Fernald. This quarter Happy Dollars are going to FIA Senior Center Financial Fund.

Happy Dollars: Charlene Churchill, Peter Farragher, Terri Stephens, Peter Collier, Dave Wells, Iris Simon, Jo Cooper, Marian Wells, Scott Kimball, Doug Kell, Larry Johnston, Dom Efter, and Carl Lusby were among the happy folks several of whom were happy about the success of the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LI.  
Rotary Business: Carl Lusby spoke about the feedback so far on our budget gap. Response from the membership so far indicates that members do not want a reduction in our community giving or scholarship support so we will look at other options.
Dave Wells presented shirts to Scott Kimball and Dan Hurley for completion of the passport program.
Tracy Shaffer circulated the signup for Everybody Eats in March and also for the February 28 event at the Hancock County Technical Center.
Clyde Cushing talked about an upcoming painting project at Special Childrens Friends and passed around a sign-up sheet for the project. He noted that through December we had done 13 community service projects this year involving 815.5 hours.
Carl Lusby noted that club members can look at our club progress toward this year’s goals by logging in to
Dave and Marian Well unveiled the banner for the Costa Rica Wheelchair Project. Dave noted that 15 people are participating and leaving next week to complete the project of distributing 123 chairs plus canes and walkers.
Program: Peter Farragher introduced our speaker Rodney Eason, the CEO of the Mount Desert Land & Garden Preserve. He told us about the history of the preserve which extends from Northeast Harbor to Seal Harbor and includes Thulya Garden, Asticou Azalea Garden, and oversees the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden. He showed us some photos of the lovely garden areas and encouraged us all to visit in season.
Respectfully submitted,
Marshall Smith